Trapped in transit

Thousands of people embark on journeys hoping to find a better place to live. Some, the lucky ones, can choose where, how, and when they can realize that dreams. But for other people for whom international migration is the only survival option left, migrating to a new country for better living conditions can be a long, dangerous and life threaten journey.

In such circumstances migration can increase vulnerability to exploitation, modern slavery or human trafficking. During their migration journeys, thousands of irregular migrants face abuse, exploitation, trauma, human trafficking, modern slavery, or may even die en route (McAuliffe and others).

According to a recent report by the ILO and Walk Free Foundation in collaboration with the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM),  in 2016 about 40.3 million people were victims of modern slavery, including 24.9 million in forced labor and 15.4 million in force marriage or sexual exploitation. —