Watch what you say
An idea executed is better than big talk. I now understand seeing our politicians talking much and doing little and why people say that a dog that barks much does not bite. These days people rarely believe in dreams and visions of political leaders attempting to bombard them through their noisy and loud speeches. I was amazed to see people criticizing honorable Prime Minister KP Sharma Oil for saying that cooking gas would be supplied through pipes to every home in Kathmandu. Unsurprisingly, people are now mocking him. People no longer believe in such talk.
The Prime Minister may have said this after realizing the potentials of the various projects. However, in a time of fuel crisis, such words have given the people hope.
Moreover, people today are more educated and able to critically evaluate words spoken by the leaders. People have become believers in action not words. I hope and pray that soon the mockers will regret it and PM Oli will stand true to his words by making them a reality.
When action speaks people can hear loud and clear. It is more persuasive and credible. As a firm is evaluated on the basis of service or product it supplies to the market, result oriented politicians are much sought for. If leaders are only to talk, we have enough radios, televisions and talking machines to talk around the clock.
Words are of zero value unless translated into fruitful actions. Though the initial execution of a plan begins with an idea, we are fed up of receiving only plans and ideas as finished products since decades. Let the wheel of development be run by the fuel of actions and accomplishments rather than mere talk.
Earthquake victims were given hope for timely help for reconstruction and rehabilitation. Much aid was pledged, still we can see aid awaiting to reach the victims at the airports lying unused for months. If it is only for talk, then why give undue hopes?
Leaders should learn to motivate, inspire and influence people through their actions. Acted ideas generate more value as it, without any voice, speaks much louder. People at all levels of leadership positions must watch their words before they speak. Words once spoken are irretrievable like an arrow released from a bow. Selling unrealistic dreams worsens one’s image and reduces credibility. Thus, learning to be doers, not merely talkers, is a wise decision we should make.