LALITPUR: Bipesh Khadka accumulated 556 points in the men's 10m Air Pistol event under the first Asian Online Shooting Championship here at the International Sports Complex Shooting range.

Badruddin Ansari earned 545 pints, while Sukhadev Chaudhary scored 542.

In women's section, Krishnaa Thapa scored 555 points, while Sarita Basnet earned 537. The 10m Air Rifle event will be held on Saturday.

A total of 11 Nepali shooters - six men and five women - are taking part in the championship organised by Kuwait Shooting Association under the auspices of Asian Shooting Confederation.

Players from 22 nations are competing in the event. According to Nepal Shooting Association, Kuwait Shooting Association will collect details of all the participants and will announce the results after assessing their performances.