Best player to get Toyota Yaris car

Kathmandu, February 26:

All Nepal Football Association (ANFA) and Vaidya’s Organisation of Industries and Trading Houses (VOITH) announced the Toyota Best Player Award for the outstanding player of the league today. A best player of the Martyrs Memorial ‘A’ Division League Football will be awarded the Toyota Yaris car worth Rs 2.5 million.

The player will be selected by the five-member committee formed by the ANFA under coach Bhim Thapa. Last year, Nabil Three Star Club goalkeeper Upendra Man Singh got the award.

“We are happy to get an opportunity to award a player under our social responsibility. We feel that we have been contributing for the nation to some extent,” said Suraj Vaidya, chairman of VOITH, at a press meet. “This is an encouragement for the youngsters who aim to make sports their profession,” he added.

Asked about the company’s plans to continue the award in future, Vaidya said that he was satisfied with the feedback from the people. “We are happy to get the positive response from the public, so we are ready to continue as long as ANFA wants us to,” he clarified.

ANFA president Ganesh Thapa thanked National Sports Council, Ministry of Education and Sports, Ministry of Finance and the Nepal government for their cooperation. Nepal government exempted 75 per cent tax, while ANFA will bear the 12.5 per cent tax. The authorised dealer of Toyota, United Traders Syndicate Pvt Ltd of VOITH, will bear the cost of the car and the remaining 25 per cent tax.

League postponed

KATHAMANDU: The Marytrs Memorial San Miguel ‘A’ Division League Football was postponed indefinitely after National Sports Council coaches padlocked the Dasharath Stadium on Monday. A group of coaches locked out stadium gates demanding the resumption of NSC administrative activities that have been put to halt for the last nine days by the National Republic Sports Organisation (NRSO), Nepal. The NRSO has locked the NSC offices seeking the resignation of member secretary Jeevan Ram Shrestha.

The NRSO lock out hadn’t affected the training and competitions. But today’s lock out stopped all such activities. Meanwhile, Lok Bahadur Shahi, match commissioner of the league, announced the indefinite postponement of the last three day’s matches. — HNS