Get rid of dull and lifeless hair
Hello everyone! Are you sick and tired of dull and lifeless hair? Do you want to flaunt fabulous and shiny hair? What if I told you some oil from the kitchen pantry could save the day?
Your hair can make or break your look. Dull and lifeless hair is often fairly easy to fix so there is no reason to leave your hair looking like that. Make sure you take simple measures like not taking hot showers, avoiding hair dryers (flat irons and curlers) and combing wet hair. The most important and easiest step is after washing your hair. After you air dry your hair take a drop of oil (any oil in your kitchen works but coconut oil works wonders) and gently apply it across your hair starting from the tips moving your way up to the roots. Remember just a drop of oil as too much will make your hair oily instead of shiny. Follow this after every wash and flaunt
fabulous and always shiny hair!
The author is the social media manager at Easy Cuts Nepal, a leading beauty salon and barbershop chain.