Luck helps those who help themselves

Love, luck and dream are abstract nouns, which cannot be seen but can be felt only. If everyone believes in luck, then how will work be completed? Hard work alone can help one achieve success. If we win, we say, we have good luck and when we don’t, we blame it on bad luck. How can we believe in something that cannot be seen? We know ‘Work is Worship’. Hence only hard work will help us get fruitful results.

— Abhinay Jayaswal

For one’s success the most important thing is hard work. More than luck, the amount of hard work determines a person’s success. If one depends on luck and does not work hard, then that person would not necessarily be successful in life. Sometimes, luck also works, but a person should be hard working to be successful. For example, if a student does not study for his examination and only depends on luck then s/he can fail.

— Keepa Shrestha

I know and I believe that luck plays not a major but a minor role in a person’s success. However, luck does play a role in one’s success. In fact, luck is a strong belief. Why do people in our country keep water filled pots at the doors while going far from home? Does it really bring good luck? And why do some people believe it is bad luck when a ‘black cat’ crosses their way? If they believe in such things, then it really works for them.

— Bishwo Maharjan

Success is a result of hard work and determination. Luck has nothing to do with it. It is only a lame excuse that the human mind is fixed upon to soothe the feeling of failure. When humans find defects or faults, they often blame it on luck and ultimately God. A successful man always has an answer for his success. For me it is always hard work that brings me success.

— Janak Crasun Sooth

The reason for success is only hard work. There is no place for luck. But sometimes luck may work, like in lottery tickets. But for inevitable success one should work hard and should not depend upon luck.

— Alisha Shakya

What I have learnt from my life is that hard work should be backed by luck. If you aren’t lucky enough, then hard work alone is not enough. But you should not rely totally on luck. Only a few people are lucky to get success without hard work. Hard work is incomplete without luck. So you should work hard from your side, and leave the rest on luck.

— Bhuvan Tripathee, Baluwatar

Hard work is better than relying on luck because we cannot succeed unless we work hard. In our country most of the people are uneducated and hence, they believe in luck, which is wrong. If we have a dream of earning a lot of money, when we don’t have any job and believe only in God, then that is wrong because we do not have any job or salary to fulfil our dreams. So, from my point of view, I believe in hard work first, and luck later.

— Rahul Bajracharya, Lazimpat 

If someone does great work, people say the person was lucky. But if the person faces failure, people reason it by saying that the person did not work hard. We cannot choose which reason is correct. It is obvious that if a person stays hungry saying he has luck, he will die of hunger. It is not necessary that a person will succeed if he does a lot of hard work. So I think it is better to balance both luck and hard work, as both are needed to succeed in life.

— Dixit Poudel,


Without doing deeds, we cannot expect any results. Success comes to us by our hard work or in the terms of luck. If our goal is beyond our reach then, we leave it to luck. In that case, we cannot say that luck has nothing to do with one’s success. For example, if two people do the same task, and only one achieves his goal, then he is considered the lucky one. That’s why we have a lucky number, a lucky day. In my opinion, luck plays a big role in a person’s success. Because, if a person’s luck is in his favour, then, the sky is the limit.

— Vipul Kabra,

Putali Sadak

Everyone works hard to be successful in life but only few succeed. This is because luck plays a big role in a person’s success. Nobody can succeed until and unless good time comes in his/her life. Good time means luck. For success, hard work is necessary, but all the hard work may go in vain if luck doesn’t favour us.

— Kapil Thapa,

New Baneshwor

Both luck and hard work has equal role in the success of any individual. We cannot simply ignore luck. Farmers, labourers work really hard. They work harder than any successful person, but yet, they may not be considered as successful. It is just because they lack luck. Being successful is not just the result of hard work; luck is needed at the required place in required time! Hence, luck plays vital role in the success of any person.

— Dwaipayan Regmi,


Success doesn’t have much to do with luck. It is a universal truth that only a few fortunate ones have got through with luck, whereas the rest all have worked hard for it. God helps those who help themselves, and the same goes for Lady Luck. But this does not entirely mean the role of luck in a person’s success is nil. The opportunity to display one’s abilities, to afford scopes for one’s talents or opportunity to even work hard can be counted as luck.

— Rhea Gurung,


Sometimes luck favours success instantly, but hard work always gets paid in due course of time and it also gives more satisfaction in comparison. I have seen lots of people working hard and not getting the results they deserved. In the context of Nepal, nepotism is found in almost every nook and corner. So, success depends on whether you know the people in power or not, otherwise success will remain a mere dream. However, you should never stop working hard and always believe in it rather than in our luck.

— Mingma Sherpa

Life is a two-sided coin. It has luck on its one side and hard work on the other. Therefore, it is up to you to choose the side, when the coin is tossed. However, I think we should work hard to be lucky. But you cannot underestimate luck as well. To succeed you have to work hard and have faith in luck. Who knows which one works? All you have to do is, give your 100 per cent and hope that you are lucky.

— Suyacchya Shrestha

I believe in hard work than in the so-called luck. I believe ‘creating’ my luck. I have been through times when things looked dismal, but it was my conviction

in ‘action’ rather than in ‘hoping against hope’ that came in handy. Luck is merely an unanticipated favourable occurrence that takes place without our premeditated thoughts or plans. Hence, I truly believe in these lines —

“Not enjoyment and not sorrow,

Is our destined end or way;

But to act that each tomorrow,

Finds us farther than today.”

— Gopal Pd Shrestha,


Success is combination of hard work, continuity, tactful work and luck. If one of them is missing people cannot achieve success.

— Khushi

One can get success in life only with his effort and luck has nothing to do with it. Success actually needs devotion, concentration and strong will power to pursue it.  One should climb the tree and only then, can one devour the mango. If he will stay under the tree waiting for his luck to turn over, to eat the fallen mango, then, this will be a waste of time.

— Prakash Aryal

People succeed with their own hard work and not with luck. There is a saying, “as you sow so you reap”. This means if we do well, we will get good results, and if we do bad we will get bad results. So, luck has to do nothing with success.

— Sabrina Shakya

In my opinion, luck does not play a big role in a person’s success. But in certain situations, a bit of good luck can turn the whole scenario around. But that doesn’t mean you will be lucky time and again. In the end, it’s your capabilities and hard work that will pave your way to glory against all odds. Moreover, luck does favour hardworking and honest people.

— Bibhor, Nepalgunj

People succeed because of hard work. We cannot say luck has nothing to do with it. Both luck and hard work are necessary. It is not true that luck has nothing to do with a person’s success. It is like having a body without a soul. Without a soul a body cannot work and without a body, a soul is nothing.

— Ashmin Bhandari

I don’t think luck has anything to do with a person’s success. In my opinion, luck is just a mere superstition. Luck doesn’t give us name or fame but hard work does. If we work hard in a field in which we are good at, then we will definitely earn a good name. Hard work is all that matters. Many famous personalities like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein are famous because of hard work and their determination.

— Ashmita Bhandari

‘Hard work is the key to success’, but we cannot underestimate the powers of luck. Granted, nothing can be achieved without hard work, but experience say that, only hard work is not sufficient to do the trick. Superstitious though it may sound, deep down, most of us believe in luck.

— Nitya Pandey

Honestly I’d like to say you sow what you reap, but I think that is not completely true. I think luck plays a certain role in determining your success but eventually, it comes down to the choices you’ve made for yourself. We believe in God, so we believe in some power greater than us and we hope and pray that he will give us his blessings and help us in our work, and we believe whether or not he gives us his blessing is called luck. It is said, “God helps those who help themselves.” So one cannot just sit down and wish for a pot full of gold. He has to work for it and then he will get it if ‘luck favours’.

— Neha Amatya

Each step towards success is a result of hard work and dedication. Luck and hard work are two different things. There are times when we believe in luck. In today’s age, we cannot say that we leave everything to God, but that God leaves everything to us, so that we can obtain what we want with all our hard work. I believe that the more we rely on luck, the lesser work we do. We must try out things differently rather than trying out different things. When we get things that we deserve, it is the result of hard work. But when we get things that we might do not deserve, it is luck.

— Nabin Shrestha

The word success sounds so sweet that everybody craves to taste it. However, not all know the right way to pick the fruit of success. There are many people who believe in luck and keep waiting for the right time to come and help them to climb the ladder of success, while there are others who believe in making their luck by themselves. I would like to place myself in the second category, because I always believe in hard work and am confident that it is hard work and my strong determination that will ultimately help me to achieve my desired goal. 

— Ambika Pandey,


Obviously, luck plays a big role for any person to succeed but it is out of our control. It may or may not favour every person. So we should not believe in luck because it is a spontaneous process, which can be helped by hard work. On the other hand, hard work determines definite success. If luck favours us, it will be an added advantage. One’s goal cannot be attained by luck, but through hard work, the same goal can be surely achieved.

— Jeeban Panthi

Hard work builds confidence, creates opportunities and makes us perfect, which finally leads to the point of success. In my opinion, only lazy and unsuccessful people depend on luck. When we read histories of successful personalities, hard work has greater eminence than luck. This proves that hard work is very important and therefore, no success can be achieved without hard work.

— Bimal Paneru

Everyone keeps on saying that it’s because of hard work that people succeed, but somewhere everyone believes that success depends on luck too. The same is the case with me, I do know success comes out of hard work but there are many occasions in my life where I have seen people who in spite of their hard work have had to face failure. But I also believe that if the same work is done with a little more effort, we are sure to get success. So, the belief that success depends on luck is just an excuse for those who believe in their stars more than themselves. I truly believe that success is because of hard work.

— Kirti Karki,


There is no alternative to hard work in a person’s success but surely hard work alone does not give us the success. Personally I feel without lady luck shinning upon us, most of the time, all our hard works goes unnoticed and unappreciated. So the success of a person is 80 per cent hard work and 20 per cent luck.

— Pritishma Lakhe

People succeed because of hard work, but not all, it depends on luck too. Luck is a part of our life. If we’re lucky, things can drastically change with even a little effort, even unexpected goals can be achieved. For instance, most of the people want to get scholarships in a reputed university and have a satisfying job but only few, lucky ones get a chance to fulfil their dreams. When luck is not with you, things go bad, and even your hard work goes in vain, but when luck is with you, even with a little effort things can be done easily.

— Mikesh Shrestha

It is said one’s effort to work draws the line of success. Hard work leads to victory. It is also true that one has to walk to reach the destination. But for a safe landing, luck matters. And though everyone has dreams and wishes for a prosperous life, very few are successful. Why? The answer is because everyone does not have luck. Finally I would like to conclude by saying that only hard work is not enough for success, and that a little luck is needed.

— Rampyari Sunuwar, Battisputali