on the job : Confidant co-worker

Depression can be a very lonely illness. You often feel that you can’t confide in a co-worker and end up bottling everything up.

If you think someone you work with may be depressed, take time out of your day to talk to him/her. Show an interest and maybe invite them for a coffee at lunchtime.

Sometimes even a small gesture is enough to lift a depressed person’s mood. Let them know that they are not alone and that you will listen. If they are willing, try to find out what is depressing them. It could be that they do feel their work is not being appreciated, or it could be a far more serious reason.

While dealing with depressed person you need to support him/her but must be careful not to become their crutch. Try to talk them through their problem but that doesn’t mean you have to supply them with all the answers.

It will boost their self-esteem if you guide the conversation so that they come up with a strategy to solve their own dilemma.

For severe depression it is essential that you try to get them to seek medical help. Reassure them that there is no stigma attached to asking for professional help.

Once you establish the root cause of the depression, find out if you can see any way to alleviate the problem. It could be a simple matter like feeling swamped at work, or not having the right equipment to get the job done. — Agencies