The actual weight of the gold confiscated by the Revenue Investigation Department from Tribhuvan International Airport premises some days ago is 60.789 kg, according to the Nepal Rastra Bank.
The gold was smuggled to Nepal from Hong Kong by concealing it in a consignment of motorcycle brake shoes.Chief of Mint Division at Nepal Rastra Bank Thaneshwor Acharya said it was only the preliminary weight of the gold as the actual weight of the gold would be confirmed only after it was melted from 10:30am tomorrow.
Acharya said details related to monetary value of the gold would be confirmed after it was melted and added that it could take one day to melt the gold. He further said it would take three days to complete the task of assessing the monetary value of the gold.
The Department had intercepted the shipment of gold concealed in the consignment of motorcycle brake shoes with gross weight of 155 kg from TIA premises on July 19.
The seized brake shoes were kept at the Mint Division. The Revenue Investigation Department had handed over the investigation into the gold smuggling scam to the Central Investigation Bureau.
A version of this article appears in the print on August 15, 2023, of The Himalayan Times.