Workshop on to probe shifts in precipitation across South Asia and China has kicked off in Kathmandu.

The workshop, which is going to last for two days, has brought participants from collaborating institutions from the participating countries to develop country-specific project plans and discuss next steps for implementation.

The project to investigate shifts in precipitation across Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, employing climate data analysis and modeling to understand the changing precipitation patterns and phase transitions is being implemented by The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) in Nepal.

According to Dr Dhiraj Pradhananga, UNESCO'S chair in Mountain Water Sustainability, the project will develop the capacity of the students and researchers, fostering their expertise in climate change research.

SEN is implementing a project "Enhancing Climate Resilience in South Asia and China: Predicting Precipitation Shifts and their Impacts for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resource Security" supported by the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), Japan.