Zonta Club Kathmandu organized an awareness program in association with the women's wing of Armed Police Force and Ncell as part of 16 Days Activism on Gender-Based Violence program by Zonta Club Kathmandu, today.
The event, attended by Chief Guest AIG Chandra Prakash Gautam, witnessed participation of women from all 32 wards of Kathmandu, along with APF ladies and Zonta club members. A skit was showcased which raised the different issues faced by women. There was also sharing of legal rights pertaining to women in Nepal. Yashmine Bhattarai, Ncell, shared information on information security within an organization and outside to raised awareness about cyber security, according to the statement issued by the Zonta Club Kathmandu.
As part of the 16 days activism on gender-based violence, Zonta Club of Kathmandu is also showcasing four different videos pertaining to child marriage, domestic violence, office harassment and sexual abuse on public transportation in 31 screens of QFX cinemas in 13 locations. The members of the youth wing of Zonta - Z and Golden Z club from Sanskriti International School, NAMI College and Silver Mountain School of Hotel Management, are sharing their voice to raise awareness about gender-based violence in the different social media platforms of Zonta Club of Kathmandu, the statement added.

"Our campaign will not be limited to 16 days only," said Zonta Club of Kathmandu president Ava Shah. "Our campaign that began today will continue for 16 days, 16 weeks, 16 months and move ahead until the violence against women and children is gone."
Senior Advocate Suneeta Regmi Pokhrel spoke on women's rights saying the campaign should be all year round to spread the world about laws and regulations that protect women's rights.
Ncell's Yasmine Bhattarai highlighted cybercrimes on women and risks that come when using the social medial and internet and identity thefts through cyberspace, keeping personal phones secure and passwords safe.

Meanwhile, APF AIG Chandra Prakash Gautam expressed commitment to work to safeguard women's rights and to end violence on women and children.
Zonta International, a leading global organization founded in New York in 1919 envisions a world in which women's rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential. In a world where women have access to all resources, they are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men and no women live in fear of violence. This is being achieved through 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 63 countries across the globe by more than 29,000 Zontians committed to the professionalism, fellowship and service of Zonta's visionary founders, Zonta Club Kathmandu said.

Zonta Club Kathmandu was chartered under Zonta International and established in 2012. It is a legally registered NGO in Kathmandu, represented by 64 members from diverse backgrounds. "We come to work voluntarily on the advancement of the status of women with the objective to improve the economic, education, health, and issues related to youth and violence against women at the national and local level through service and advocacy," it said.