Federal Council Chair of Janata Samajbadi Party- Nepal Baburam Bhattarai has stressed the need to steer the country towards lasting peace and transformation by strengthening national unity.

Speaking at a press meet organised by Janata Samajbadi Party-Nepal Rupandehi, in Butwal today, he said creating an alternative force was the need of the hour for the country's prosperity and to change the living standard of the people.

The former prime minister asserted that the country would get a way out from the present situation only with the formation of a central socialist force. Stating that people were despondent and confusion had arisen due to lack of economic, social and cultural change in the country, Bhattarai suggested moving ahead by forging unity among political forces in a new way.

He also expressed concern over the erosion of democratic norms and values among the political parties of the country mainly due to power-centric politics of the parties. Bhattarai said the crisis in the Supreme Court was an example of this trend. He advocated a new socialist model for safeguarding national unity and sovereignty, stressing the need to form a progressive political force for the same.

The party's senior leader Ashok Rai said the party had initiated a four-month organisation strengthening campaign to change the living standard of the people.

Rai said the party would take its thoughts and strategies to the people and also listen to their views in the course of the campaign.

A version of this article appears in the print on November 29, 2021, of The Himalayan Times.