A Bailey bridge has not been shifted to another place from the Sanphe-Martadi road section of Badimalika Municipality after a concrete bridge over the Badimalika river was brought into operation in Bajura.

The bridge has been stranded in the river since two years due to lack of initiative from the authority concerned. People have been facing problems crossing rivers along the Kolti-Martadi section and Kanda-Aatichaur section during rainy season. Transportation service was completely obstructed along the road section due to lack of bridge. No planning has been made to shift the bailey bridge to the desired place despite frequent pleas of the locals for the same. The bridge belongs to the road division.

Chief District Officer Puskar Khadka said the work related to shifting the bridge was halted due to lack of concrete planning. He said the road division had yet to find a desired place to shift the bridge. Khadka said people of another village would benefit if the bailey bridge was shifted to the desired place. "Initiative is being taken from his office for the same," he added.

According to Road Division Office, Sanphebagar, no decision was made to shift the bridge. The office said the bridge was needed in many rivers in Bajura, but the directive had yet to reach the office.

Badimalika Municipality Mayor Ambar Khadka said the Bailey bridge over the Budhiganga river was stranded as the road division had yet to make any decision. "We have taken initiatives to shift the bridge, but the road division could not take the decision to shift the property of the federal government," he said. The bridge worth millions is lying useless as no one has paid attention to manage it. Locals said the bridge was stranded in the river even though the lawmakers of the federal and provincial levels had vowed to shift it to another place.

A version of this article appears in the print on August 4, 2023, of The Himalayan Times.