Chief Minister of Koshi Province, Hikmat Kumar Karki, has inducted seven ministers into his Cabinet: five full ministers and two ministers of state.

The new full ministers are Rajendra Karki (Health), Panchkarna Rai (Social Development), Ekraj Karki (Water Supplies, Irrigation, and Energy), Narayan Magar (Tourism, Forest, and Environment), and Leela Bhallab Adhikari (Internal Affairs and Law).

Similarly, Sirjana Rai (Minister of State at the Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers) and Bandana Jhangar (Minister of State for Tourism, Forest, and Environment) were appointed by Province Chief Parashuram Khapung on May 17, on the recommendation of the Chief Minister.

The appointments were made in accordance with Article 168 (9) of the Constitution.The ministers took an oath of office and secrecy before Province Chief Khapung during a ceremony at the Office of the Province Chief in Biratnagar this evening. Likewise, ministers of state Rai and Jhangar were sworn in by the Chief Minister, who formed the government on May 9.

Additionally, Ram Bahadur Magar and Ganesh Prasad Upreti, who were appointed as ministers without portfolios earlier, were assigned the responsibilities of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning and the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure, respectively.

Speaker Ambar Bahadur Bista, Province Assembly (PA) Secretary Gopal Prasad Parajuli, secretaries of various ministries, chiefs of security agencies, and political leaders, among others, were present at the oath-taking ceremony