Crusher industries in Kavre sans registration
Kavre, January 4
A district-level monitoring team inspected crusher industries operating in Kavre last month. The monitoring team found that many crusher industries were operating without registration and were extracting sand and boulders violating the agreement reached with the government authority.
After the inspection, a report will be submitted to the Province Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forest and Environment, said Kavre District Coordination Committee Chief Uddaw KC. He said the provincial ministry had not given any directive to punish erring crusher industries. The inspection found all 23 crusher industries illegal last year. Frequent meetings were held among District Administration Office, DCC members, District Police Office, lawmakers and local levels and the meetings had decided to close illegal industries. The decision of the meetings is yet to be implemented.
Pashupati Boulder-Stone Industry, Om Satyasai Stone Crusher, Blue Saimon Boulder-Stone Industry and SS Boulder and Stone Industry have been excavating at various places of Kavre. Kavre Police Chief SP Rabi Kumar Poudel said his office had directed police units under his jurisdiction to shut down the illegal industries.