MFD urges to stay warm as mercury plummets due to rain

KATHMANDU: It has been raining at a few places in the western, eastern and central hilly regions since this morning, according to Meteorological Forecasting Division (MFD).

The MFD has predicted overcast skies with light to moderate rainfall throughout the country today.

The forecast shows the possibility of rain with thunder and lightning at some places in the country. There is also a report of moderate snowfall at a few places in the high mountainous region.

Tonight, it will be cloudy in the western, eastern and central hilly regions, while the rest of the country will witness partly cloudy weather, the MFD said. Moreover, light rain or thunder and lightning are possible at a few places of the western region and one or two places of the eastern and central hilly regions.

पश्चिमि वायु, स्थानिय वायू र वंगालको खांडि वाट आएको जलवाष्फ यूक्त हावाका कारण नेपालको मौसममा बदलि भईरहेको छ र यो भोलि सम्म नै जारी रहने देखिन्छ। वर्षा/ हावाहुरि /चट्याङ र असिनपानीको समेत संभावना रहेकोले आवश्यक सतर्कता अपनाउनुहोला!

— Nepal Weather Forecast (@DHM_Weather) March 6, 2020

The MFD on Friday tweeted, "The weather of Nepal is changing due to westerly winds, local effects, and the Bay of Bengal’s system and it will continue till tomorrow. Take necessary precautions as there is a possibility of rain with thunder and lightning and snowfall."