Says republicanism, federalism, democracy could come under threat
CPN (US) Chair Madhav Kumar Nepal presented a political paper at the party's Central Committee meeting today saying that the CPN-UML was a rightist and opportunist party which lacked clear vision of class politics.
Stating that the UML was not committed to the constitution and democracy, Nepal argued that the UML would not shy away from destroying the constitution and democracy.
Commenting on the ruling CPN-Maoist Centre, Nepal said the party lacked clear vision of its goals and ever since it joined the political mainstream, it had given priority to be part of the government. Nepal also stated that CPN-MC had wavered on its commitment to class struggle.
Ever since CPN-MC joined the political mainstream, it had been siding with the rightists and hob-nobbing with capitalist forces, he argued.
Nepal called the CPN-MC an unstable political force that could do anything for the sake of power.
He called the NC a capitalist force that was committed to the constitution and democracy.
He said Rastriya Swatantra Party was also a capitalist party whose ideology and vision were not clear. He said RSP emerged as a political force riding on the wave of frustration caused by the dissolution of the House of Representatives and division of Nepal Communist Party (NCP). Hence, it served the reactionary forces. Nepal said RSP's vision of the republican order and federalism was not clear.
He then termed the Rastriya Prajatantra Party a feudal and capitalist party which was against the constitution, republican order, and federalism.
Nepal stated in his report that there was risk of instability as the recently held elections had created a hung Parliament.
Nepal stated in his paper: There are all types of forces in the Parliament.
Some forces are pro-republican order, federalism, and secularism and they are forward looking, whereas some are against the republican order, federalism, and secularism. Some forces are status-quoist and regressive.
This is why a clash among these forces could be a recipe for political instability that could imperil federal, republican order, and the democratic system.
Addressing the party meeting, Nepal said that a rift had already surfaced in the ruling coalition.
He said NC leaders told him today that their President Sher Bahadur Deuba had assured CPN-MC Chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal that the latter would be made the new prime minister after election, but went back on his words because the CPN-UML leaders assured him they would support his prime ministerial bid. Thus, Dahal went to the CPN-UML to forge a new alliance. He said he was not sure how long the coalition would last.
Maybe alliance partners will continue to support Dahal till the presidential election. But we see fissures have already emerged in the alliance.
It cannot be said how long this fluid political situation will remain, Nepal added.
He said his focus was to ensure that the country moved in the right direction.
"We are concerned that the constitution may not be followed by all the forces. Remarks were made from the rostrum of the House against the constitution and views were expressed in favour of monarchy and Hindu state. What does it mean when violators of the constitution are in the government?" He wondered.
A version of this article appears in the print on February 5, 2023, of The Himalayan Times.