There is a lack of vaccine against rabies in Seti Provincial Hospital of late.

Nausari Parki of Godawari Municipality reached the hospital for rabies vaccine yesterday. But she was compelled to buy the vaccine from a clinic outside the hospital. Nausari's husband Arjun bought the vaccine from the nearby clinic after the health workers informed him that there was the lack of vaccine at the hospital.

Hundreds of service-seekers like Nausari have been facing the same problem since many days. This has hit the poor people even more.

Though the government has made the arrangement of rabies vaccine free of cost in the health facilities, the hospitals have not been able to provide service to a large number of people due to the lack of vaccines.

Information Officer Mekh Raj Upadhaya in Seti Provincial Hospital said the hospital lacked vaccines. "Many people come for rabies vaccines, but we have not been able to provide service to them," he added. He said the vaccines were provided by supply management centre. Upadhaya said the federal government had provided the vaccines to the provincial government.

Meanwhile, provincial health supply management centre acting chief Dr Niraj Aryal said, "The trend of receiving the vaccine has increased as they come to the health facility after domestic animals lick and scratch them with nails." He further said people were forbidden to receive the vaccines if stray dogs, jackals, among other animals, bit them.

According to health supply management centre, the vaccines will arrive in the first week of September.

A version of this article appears in the print on August 29, 2023, of The Himalayan Times.