Minister for Urban Development, Dhan Bahadur Budha, has announced plans to coordinate with local authorities to reduce the quantity of garbage managed at the Bancharedanda-based landfill site by segregating waste produced in the Kathmandu Valley.

During a meeting held at the Ministry on Wednesday, Minister Budha directed the relevant authorities to issue a circular through the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration to all local levels dumping waste at Bancharedanda. The aim is to decrease the amount of waste through segregation.

He also instructed the implementation of short-term and long-term action plans for waste management in the Kathmandu Valley. Minister Budha emphasized that the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration should prioritize allocating necessary budgets and programs for the next fiscal year to develop landfill site-affected areas.

Furthermore, the meeting decided to request the immediate withdrawal of the agitation program announced by the Bancharedanda landfill site-affected area concern committee and to seek a solution through dialogue.

Secretary at the Ministry, Maniram Gelal, shared that the meeting also decided to urge the Investment Board to promptly finalize Nepwaste's proposal on waste management in accordance with the law.