A group of climbers from Russia obtained climbing permits from the Department of Tourism to attempt to scale the world's sixth highest peak in the autumn season.

According to Iswari Paudel, managing Director at Himalayan Guides Pvt Ltd, a team of four alpinists led by Andrey Vasilyev will be attempting to scale Mt Cho Oyu from the extremely difficult and long southeast ridge-east ridge route. The route was earlier used in the autumn season by a Russian party in 1991, according to Paudel.

Along with Andrey, Sergei Kondrashkin, Kirill Eizeman and Vitaly Shiplov will be heading to the Khumbu region to begin their climbing activities, Paudel said, adding that Himalayan Guides has been managing logistic support to the team.

"They will be climbing the mountain in an alpine style," Paudel said. DoT's Director Rakesh Gurung confirmed that four Russian climbers obtained climbing permits for Cho Oyu in the autumn season.

Till date, only 21 climbers have successfully climbed Vho Oyu by using different routes from the Nepal side. Last year in June, French Alasdair McKenzi from France along with Gelje Sherpa, Tenzing Gyaljen Sherpa, Chhangba Sherpa, Lakpa Temba Sherpa, Lakpa Tenji Sherpa and Ngima Ongda Sherpa stood atop Cho Oyu via the southwest ridge from Nepal side.