Mahottari is reeling under scorching heat as the mercury has been rising for the past one week. People here are experiencing hotter mornings, heat wave in the afternoon, and air stagnation at night.

The average temperature is 38 to 40 degrees Celsius these days. People are finding it hard to leave home even for daily work. Construction workers have not been able to go to work due to the scorching heat.

Life has been thrown out of gear with the temperature rising.

Public spaces, including market areas, are relatively calm, the rise in temperature has impacted all sections of life, mostly children and aged people. Cases of fever, diarrhoea and typhoid have increased. People are complaining of skin problems.

Local sources of water including ponds, wells and rivers have started drying up, causing shortage of water supply including for livestock. Lack of rainfall in the main season for rice plantation is likely to escalate the tension of farmers.

A version of this article appears in the print on July 18, 2022, of The Himalayan Times.