A meeting held among top leaders of key political parties remained positive in addressing the current parliamentary stalemate.

Briefly speaking to the media after the meeting at the Prime Minister's residence in Baluwatar today, CPN-UML's Chief Whip Mahesh Bartaula informed that the discussions were constructive.

He shared that the meeting with representatives from the main opposition, Nepali Congress, was positive towards resolving the parliamentary deadlock and developing the terms of reference for the parliamentary probe committee on the cooperative funds scam.

"The discussion today was positive," Chief Whip Bartaula said, adding, "The Nepali Congress participated constructively. The discussion was productive in terms of ending the parliamentary deadlock, developing the terms of reference for the parliamentary probe committee, and facilitating the removal of complications."

Nepali Congress Chief Whip Ramesh Lekhak echoed this sentiment, stating that the meeting was favorable towards establishing a parliamentary probe committee. "The meeting focused on forming a parliamentary probe committee to address issues of misappropriation, siphoning off, fraud, and embezzlement of cooperative funds. Colleagues have been working on the committee's structure and scope. Today's meeting aimed to finalize these matters."

Present at the meeting were Prime Minister and CPN (Maoist Centre) Chairperson Pushpa Kamal Dahal CPN-UML Chairperson KP Sharma Oli, Nepali Congress General Secretary Gagan Kumar Thapa, leader Krishna Sitaula, NC parliamentary party Chief Whip Ramesh Lekhak, and Maoist Centre's Chief Whip Heetraj Pandey, among others.