TOPICS: Be the real you

Exams are never easy. We have to face many exams. We fail and we pass. No one prepares us. We are our own teacher. We face many experiences - good and bad. And all of them have a hidden lesson.

That lesson should be understood by us. People pass if they learn, they fail if they don’t. People cry when they fail. Why? They say, “It’s my destiny’s fault.” Everybody has one body, one heart, one brain; and the same colour of blood.

It is us, the human beings, who do not utilise the great gift. We don’t understand that it is we who set our destiny.

When we fall we blame our destiny. We never believe in ourselves. People work hard to make their own paths. And, without doing anything, we decide to follow their path, their dreams. We want to reach their destination. But we forget that everyone does not have similar dreams and destinations.

Here is a very typical story that is the reason why there are more unsuccessful people than successful people.

One man decides to walk alone first. He walks miles alone and finally at a certain stop he gets a companion who too wants to reach his destination. And slowly and gradually that man gets thousands of followers who too dream the same and want to reach the same destination.

They think that if they open up to their own dreams, society will curse them to not come to the so called “society’s standards” and stuff. And eventually, they forget that two hands are enough to do wonders in this world.

I have a question for everyone. Why is it that the so called taunts of the society stop a person from following his dreams to make his own path? We always forget the fact that if it does not taunt, it is not a society. People will speak because it’s their job.

Their taunts cannot be stronger than our dreams. But because of this belief that “I might be grounded”, people do not succeed.. They do not have followers, rather, they become followers. And, this is the only reason why there are more unsuccessful people. Everyone that steps in this world is extraordinary.

It’s just that they do not believe in their strength. They forget that they have that spark that can change the whole belief of mankind.

At the end, the only advice to the present generation - Do not be ashamed of who you are because you are one of the greatest beings living in this world.

You just need to keep this in mind that you have that magical wand with the help of which you can do wonders.