Laxman Bahadur Air became the fourth Nepali coach to get the level-1 certificate from World Taekwondo.

The Nepal Police Club coach, Air participated in the 10th World Para Taekwondo Coach Certification Course held in Egypt from February 12-14 and passed the exams to get the certificate.

The fifth DAN degree holder, Air has been working as a coach in Nepal Police Club since 2005 and he also participated in international events as a poomsae player after sports activities were suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The 13th South Asian Games double gold medallist Ayasha Shakya, Kabiraj Negi Lama and Bikesh Bidari had acquired the Level-I license from WT.

Lama then became the first Nepali coach to get level-II certificate after he passed the exams in December last year.

A version of this article appears in the print on February 16, 2021, of The Himalayan Times