CA committee submits report on people’s feedback


Chairperson of Committee on Citizen Relations and Public Opinion Collection Pramila Rana on Monday submitted 94-page report to CA Chairman Subas Chandra Nembang including all kinds of suggestions received from the people.

The CA had collected people’s feedback from 240 constituencies in 75 districts for 15 days. It had also collected opinions via website, email, post box and fax from Nepalis living in Nepal and abroad.

The CA collected 186,946 suggestions, including 33,757 on its website, email, post box and fax, according to panel member Prabha Devi Bajracharya. Of the 184,674 people who directly participated in public hearing programmes, 131,673 were men, 53,000 were women and one belonged to “other” category, according to her.


Although the report does not state how many people said what, people mostly backed directly-elected chief executive, religious freedom, demarcating the boundaries of the federal units before the new constitution, determining educational requirement and age bar for those holding public posts, mainly members of Parliament and government ministers, mercy killing, linking Tarai, hills and mountains while carving out federal structures, equal treatment to father and mother while providing citizenship certificates to their children, according to the Prem Bahadur Giri, coordinator of report-writing sub-committee of the panel.

“The report has created a basis for promulgating the new constitution by August 17,” CA Chairman Nembang said after receiving the document.

He said the CA meeting would be held at 5:00pm tomorrow to endorse the document and forward it to the Constitutional-Political Dia •      Directly-elected chief executive


People favour...

  • Religious freedom
  • Demarcating the boundaries of the federal units before promulgating the new constitution
  • Determining educational requirement and age bar for those holding public posts
  • Mercy killing
  • Linking Tarai, hills and mountains while carving out federal structures
  • Equal treatment to father and mother while providing citizenship certificates to their children logue and Consensus Committee for finding consensus on the feedback.