Bagmati Chief Minister Rajendra Prasad Pandey has split ministries into 14. As per the decision of the provincial Cabinet held a fortnight ago, the provincial government has published a notice regarding the same in Nepal Gazette.
Former chief minister Dormani Poudel had governed with seven ministries for 42 months while Astalaxmi Shakya had split Ministry of Social Development into Ministry of Health and increased the number to eight.
Pandey's government has split Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forest and Environment and formed the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Ministry of Forest and Environment. Likewise, Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperative has been split into Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and Ministry of Land Management, Cooperative and Poverty Alleviation.
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure has been split into Ministry of Drinking Water, Energy, and Irrigation, Ministry of Labour Employment and Transport and Ministry of Physical Infrastructure.
Ministry of Social Development has been split into two adding Ministry of Youth and Sports.
The province government has split ministries and made 14 ministries to share power among the parties.
The addition of ministries is sure to add financial burden to the province government.
A version of this article appears in the print on December 4, 2021 of The Himalayan Times.