CBS starts hiring enumerators, supervisors for upcoming census


The Central Bureau of Statistics has called for application from Nepali citizens for recruitment of enumerators and supervisors on contract basis for the upcoming National Population and Housing Census to be held from June 8 to 22 this year.

The CBS has been conducting population census since 1922 every 10 years. This year’s census will be the twelfth till now.

Interested candidates who wish to take up the job for three months can apply online with necessary documents to https:// All participants can fill the form until March 24. People who do not have access to internet can file written application from CBS offices in the districts and provinces concerned.

Applicants who have completed Bachelor’s degree or equivalent and are above 18 years old can apply for the post of supervisor while applicants with +2 level education are eligible for enumerators as per the National Census Operation Directive-2020.

The applicants shall be above 18 and below 40 years old.

The CBS held a press release today giving information on hiring staff under contract. As per the plan, the CBS will hire 39,000 enumerators and 8,000 supervisors for the job. If in case the hired employees are not enough for the given job, the CBS will hire teachers of community schools and government employees.

The CBS said this year at least eight more fundamental questions will be added for more diverse information, while it would also conduct census of farm animals. The CBS has urged all people to participate in the national event.