The death toll from the infection has reached 3,279 with as many as 33 Covid-related fatalities recorded today


Nepal on Friday reported over 5500 cases of Covid-19, the first time in seven months, with as many as 5,657 infections surfacing on Friday. The last time over 5500 cases were recorded in the country was in October 21, 2020, wherein 5743 cases were reported in a single day.

The total number of infections in the country has now surpassed 320,000 -- standing at 323,187.

Meanwhile, antigen tests confirmed 70 positives in the past 24 hours. As such, total infections from both RT-PCR and antigen tests added up to 5,727 today.

On the other hand, the death toll from the infection has reached 3,279 with as many as 33 Covid-related fatalities recorded today.

According to the health ministry, 15,916 total tests were conducted in the last 24 hours, of which 15,391 were PCR tests while 525 were antigen tests. With this, a total of 2,473,956 PCR tests have been carried out in Nepal till date.

Of the newly infected, 2,402 are females and 3,255 are males.

A graph showing number of Covid-19 cases in Nepal from April 01, 2021 till date. Photo: Mohp
A graph showing number of Covid-19 cases in Nepal from April 01, 2021 till date. Photo: Mohp

Nepal had recorded Covid-19 cases as high as 5,743 on October 21, 2020. The above graph declines from the peak on the day which today hits the highest. The rate of infection in this second wave is clearly more steady upward than it was recorded in the previous year.

Of the total cases updated today, Kathmandu district holds the highest number of new infections with 2404 cases. Lalitpur reported 419 cases whereas 133 new cases were reported from Bhaktapur.

After Kathmandu, Rupandehi holds the highest number of cases with 473 infections while Banke is third in line with 422 cases.

Likewise, 928 people who were earlier infected with the virus are reported to have recovered in the past 24 hours as per the latest data provided by health ministry.

As of today, 281,095 individuals have recovered from the novel coronavirus infection. The recovery rate from the disease declines to 86.9 per cent.

Nepal's active Covid-19 case count currently stands at 38,813.

Currently, there are 55 individuals in various quarantine facilities across Nepal.

On Thursday, Nepal's coronavirus case count reached 317,530 with 4831 newly confirmed cases.

Globally, over 151 million people have been infected by the novel coronavirus while 3.1 million people have lost their lives to the disease.

Likewise, over 128 million people have recovered while more than 19 million cases are still active.