If decision not unanimous, it will be decided on basis of majority


Lawmaker Surya Bahadur Thapa Chhetri-led special Parliamentary probe panel has finalised its procedure relating to investigation into allegation of misappropriation of cooperatives' fund, listing Gorkha Media Network and its Chair and managers who will be investigated and quizzed by the panel. The panel has stipulated in the manual that it, after investigating against the individuals and companies receiving fund from cooperatives organisation in violation of prevailing laws, would recommend actions. The procedure states that any member who may have conflict of interest with the panel's agenda, should recuse themselves from the meeting.

The panel has stated in its procedure that the panel would also collect supreme court's verdicts on issues relating to misappropriation of cooperatives fund. It would seek banking details of the organisations listed in schedule-2 that had received loans from cooperatives. Gorkha Media Network is also among such organisations. The Parliamentary panel has stated in its procedure that it could quiz the current and former chairpersons, board of directors or manager of companies that received loan from cooperatives, including that of Gorkha Media Network.

The panel will also hold interactions with cooperatives fraud victims, experts who have knowledge on bank and banking institutions and other stakeholders whom the panel deem it necessary to have interactions with. The panel will also visit those organisations that had misappropriated cooperatives fund. The procedure stipulates that the panel will take decisions unanimously but if the effort to forge unanimity fails then the panel can take decisions on the basis of majority. If the Parliamentary panel deems it necessary, it can also form subcommittee(s) to do certain work related to investigation.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has stated hearing the case filed by Advocate Anupam Bhattarai against Attorney General Dinmani Pokharael. The writ petitioner has also accused Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane of being involved in the misappropriation of cooperative funds and demanding his removal from office. The Parliamentary special panel has been mandated to complete its investigation within three months.

The Houe of Representatives formed the Parliamentary special committee to probe allegations of misappropriations of cooperatives fund after the main opposition Nepali Congress stalled the Parliamentary proceedings demanding to form such a commission to investigate allegations of misappropriation of cooperatives fund by individuals and companies, including Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane. NC leaders have said that Gorkha Media Network where Lamichhane previously worked had illegally taken almost 100 crores rupees from cooperatives organisations. They have also said that Lamichhane also received loans from cooperatives organization, a charge Lamichhane denies.