Nepal Coronavirus Update: 451 new cases, 67 recoveries recorded on Monday
KATHMANDU: Nepal’s Health Ministry, in its regular press briefing, shared the latest updates on coronavirus contagion from across the country, and the government’s response to the health crisis.
As of today, 138,683 tests through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method and 219,336 Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) have been carried out, wherein 5,306 PCR and 8,615 RDT tests were carried out in the last 24 hours.
At present, there are 133,829 people under quarantine in various facilities across the country while 5,151 persons are in isolation.
One new person has been added to the red-zone based on the self-evaluated entries of health status in the last 24 hours.
451 new cases of the coronavirus infection were recorded on Sunday, taking the national tally to 6,211. Of the newly infected, 416 are males and 35 females. In total, 5,740 males and 471 females have been recorded to have contracted the disease, so far.
READ MORE: Nepal sees highest single day spike on Monday as coronavirus tally speeds past 6,000
No death due to the coronavirus infection has been reported in the last 24 hours, where in the Covid-19 death toll in the country stands at 19.
Sixty-seven persons earlier diagnosed with COVID-19, admitted at various healthcare facilities, have been discharged following recovery, confirmed the Ministry. With these recent additions, the national COVID-19 recovery tally has now reached 1041 which includes 937 males and 104 females.
One more laboratory for Covid-19 testing through PCR method has come into operation in Pokhara Metropolitan City. With this recent addition, as many as 22 laboratories conduct PCR testing throughout the country.
Dr Jageshwor Gautam, speaking on behalf of the Ministry, expressed grief on the incident of a gangrape in Lamkichuha’s quarantine facility in Kailali, also stating that such heinous incidents should highly be discouraged. He further clarified the involvement of a health worker and social leader in the gangrape of the woman.
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As of today, the country has witnessed 6,211 cases of the coronavirus infection including 5,740 males and 471 females while 1041 people have been discharged from hospitals. Meanwhile, nineteen COVID-19 fatalities have been confirmed.